

小红猪小分队:小红猪抢稿第94期:LIFE SCIENCE TECHNOLOGIES This Is Your Brain: Mapping the Connectome

本文作者:小红猪小分队 【图片出处:http://theconnecto.me/】 决定一个人的特征的不只有基因,大脑神经元的连接方式也许更为重

小红猪小分队:[小红猪抢稿原文]LIFE SCIENCE TECHNOLOGIES This Is Your Brain: Mapping the Connectome

本文作者:小红猪小分队 It’s been 20 years since Francis Crick and Edward Jones, in the midst of the so-called Decade of the Brain, lamented science’s lack of even a basic understanding of human neuroanatomy. “Clearly what is needed for a modern human brain anatomy is the introduction of some radically new techniques,” the pair wrote in 1993. Clearly, researchers were listening. Today,


本文作者:小红猪小分队 本文为小红猪抢稿第92期抢稿译文 译者:Paradoxian 校对:阿晕 小红花等级:3朵 我们的脑海中的自然自语会很大程度的

小红猪小分队:小红猪抢稿第93期:Humans are endurance champs – why do we hate exercise?

本文作者:小红猪小分队 健身好处多多,可为啥人们总是喜欢偷懒呢?说起来,跑步这玩意儿,尤其是长跑,没有多少人是真正出于本能喜欢(本期小红猪编辑

小红猪小分队:Humans are endurance champs – why do we hate exercise?

本文作者:小红猪小分队 Source:http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21829190.400-h


本文作者:小红猪小分队 本文为小红猪抢稿第91期译文 本期译文由小红猪与译言合作发起的协作营第三期完成! 团队成员:@孤独的鬼手 、@KarenCh

小红猪小分队:小红猪抢稿第92期:The voices within: The power of talking to yourself

本文作者:小红猪小分队 自言自语,如此私密且不为“人”知的心理活动,如今在科学家的眼皮底下也变得无处藏身。借助实验诱导、神经成像的手段,我们甚

小红猪小分队:The voices within: The power of talking to yourself

本文作者:小红猪小分队 Source:http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21829192.300-t


本文作者:小红猪小分队 本文为小红猪抢稿第86期译文 译者:管一珉 校对:刘亦心 小红花:3.5朵 在全球变暖的大背景下,高新技术和出奇妙招能为我们的

小红猪小分队:小红猪抢稿第91期:The $1.3B Quest to Build a Supercomputer Replica of a Human Brain

本文作者:小红猪小分队 【图片出处:http://www.mazeforge.com/】 Henry Markram,洛桑联邦理工学院“蓝脑”的总监,在2

小红猪小分队:The $1.3B Quest to Build a Supercomputer Replica of a Human Brain

本文作者:小红猪小分队 Source: Even by the standards of the TED conference, Henry Markram’s 2009 TEDGlobal talk was a mind-bender. He took the stage of the Oxford Playhouse, clad in the requisite dress shirt and blue jeans, and announced a plan that—if


本文作者:小红猪小分队 本文为小红猪抢稿第87期译文 译者:Miss J 校对:绵羊C 小红花:3.5朵 富有探险精神的17岁新泽西州女孩伊丽莎白·达希

小红猪小分队:小红猪抢稿第90期:Out of Asia: Our surprising origins

本文作者:小红猪小分队 【图片出处:si.wsj.net】 人类起源之谜一直都悬而未决。虽然种种证据将“非洲起源说”推向了压倒性的优势地位,然而

小红猪小分队:Out of Asia: Our surprising origins

本文作者:小红猪小分队 Source: With the evolution of the genus Homo, our ancestors became distinctly human. Now we have hints that this great event occurred not in Africa but in Eurasia IT WAS the evolutionary find of the century: a diminutive human-like fossil that called into question basic assumptions about the origin of our species. No,


本文作者:小红猪小分队 本文为小红猪抢稿第88期译文 译者:Zhong-Yan Yuan 校对:梅雯 小红花:3朵 想知道自己有什么隐而未现的超能力吗?不妨做

小红猪小分队:小红猪抢稿第89期:Laptop U-Has the future of college moved online?

本文作者:小红猪小分队 乔治·纳吉,一位70岁高龄的哈佛古希腊文学教授,将自己的经典课程“Concepts of the Hero in Classical Greek Civilization

小红猪小分队:Laptop U-Has the future of college moved online?

本文作者:小红猪小分队 regory Nagy, a professor of classical Greek literature at Harvard, is a gentle academic of the sort who, asked about the future, will begin speaking of Homer and the battles of the distant past. At seventy, he has owlish eyes, a flared Hungarian nose, and a tendency to gesture broadly with the flat palms of his hands. He wears

小红猪小分队:小红猪抢稿第88期:Hidden talent: What's your superpower?

本文作者:小红猪小分队 ”) 想知道自己的“超能力”藏在哪儿吗?你一定不会知道,即使知道那么一些,你也未必全部知道!你所了解的那个能干的自己很可能

小红猪小分队:Hidden talent: What's your superpower?

本文作者:小红猪小分队 Discover a mental, physical, emotional or sensory ability you never knew you possessed by taking a scientific approach to testing your limits Editorial: “To make your star quality real, you need a roadmap“ “GOSH, you’re good, you’re really good.” Finally, the words I’ve been hoping to hear for months. I look down at my fingers, still doubtful of my


本文作者:小红猪小分队 本文为小红猪抢稿第83期译文 译者:管一珉 校对:霍震波 小红花:4.5朵 在数字时代,你的文件和记忆不再真正属于你,他们属于

小红猪小分队:小红猪抢稿第87期:THE T-CELL ARMY-Can the body's immune response help treat cancer?

本文作者:小红猪小分队 1890年夏天,新泽西女孩Elizabeth Dashiell顺利完成了环美旅行,但随后,她发现自己的双手变得肿胀疼痛,

小红猪小分队:THE T-CELL ARMY-Can the body's immune response help treat cancer?

本文作者:小红猪小分队 Source:http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2012/04/23/120423

小红猪小分队:小红猪抢稿第86期:Oases of cool: Taking the heat out of urban living

本文作者:小红猪小分队 气候变暖的今天,我们所居住的城市,仍在不断地生长、不停地升温。“给城市降降温吧”——这句话也许不再是一种奢侈的抱怨,而

小红猪小分队:Oases of cool: Taking the heat out of urban living

本文作者:小红猪小分队 Source: Can new technology and astute planning keep our cities cool in the face of global warming? See more cold comfort in our gallery: “Oases of cool: Creating urban chill-out zones“ Understanding heat distribution in our cities is key to making them more comfortable for residents (Image: British Gas) THE world’s coldest capital might seem an unlikely spot for


本文作者:小红猪小分队 译者:政委祖尔阿巴 原文:Emergency Supplies for Earthquake Preparedness 说明:()内是原文的注释,【】内为译者注释。 现在就开始准备可以在地震

小红猪小分队:小红猪抢稿第85期:Free for all? Lifting the lid on a Wikipedia crisis

本文作者:小红猪小分队 维基百科——一部人人都能编辑的百科全书,目前已拥有超过2500万个词条及285种语言版本,在全球集聚了近5亿拥趸。然而

小红猪小分队:Free for all? Lifting the lid on a Wikipedia crisis

本文作者:小红猪小分队 Source: Something’s happening at the heart of the world’s greatest encyclopedia that goes against its raison d’être – fixing it will take some radical moves A nice idea, but crazy. It’ll never work. That’s how many people felt when Jimmy Wales and


本文作者:小红猪小分队 本文为小红猪抢搞第68期译文 译者:nmxh 校对:装大雷 小红花:4.5朵 痛苦袭来时毫无预兆。仿佛被链条紧紧缚住一样,从心


本文作者:小红猪小分队 译者:李璇 校对:陈思 原文:Do get mad: The upside of anger 【图片出处:amumag.com】 “人皆发怒,此非难事。其难在于时间、地点、

小红猪小分队:小红猪抢稿第84期:Lost in translation: Body language myths and reality

本文作者:小红猪小分队 你擅长解读对方的肢体语言吗?你能通过双眼“侦查”到的肢体信号判断接下来会发生什么吗?当人们自信满满地试探他人表情背后所

小红猪小分队:Lost in translation: Body language myths and reality

本文作者:小红猪小分队 Source: Think you’re good at interpreting people’s non-verbal signals? Well, there’s more – and sometimes less – to our movements and poses than meets the eye Test your body language comprehension: “What your dance style says about you“ WHEN Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes announced their divorce last


本文作者:小红猪小分队 本文为第79期小红猪抢稿Clone alone: Who needs sex?译文 译者:黄昏鸟 校对:霍震波 小红花等级:4朵 【Video: Zebra shark egg hatches in ‘virgin

小红猪小分队:小红猪抢稿第83期:Lost in the cloud: How safe are your online possessions?

本文作者:小红猪小分队 数字化的今天,你的照片、联系人、备忘录都还是你一个人在保管着吗?你是不是早已把备份都乖乖交给了云端呢?这朵被捧得热乎乎

小红猪小分队:Lost in the cloud: How safe are your online possessions?

本文作者:小红猪小分队 Source: In the digital age, your files and memories are not truly yours any more. They belong to the cloud KYLE GOODWIN wants his stuff back. One day, he decided to set up a company in Ohio to film local sports events. For a while, business was good, but then he got a shock. To keep his valuable footage


本文作者:小红猪小分队 作者:特瑞莎·古拉(Trisha Gura) 原文链接: 译者:伏维阁主 校对:小舟 美国宾州一家面向阿米什和门诺社群的诊所有望

小红猪小分队:小红猪抢稿第82期:Nobel-winner Watson: Do antioxidants promote cancer?

本文作者:小红猪小分队 一直以来,抗氧化剂在人们心目中已无可争议地成为了延长寿命、防治疾病的代名词。从餐桌上的食物到高额推销的保健品,抗氧化剂

小红猪小分队:Nobel-winner Watson: Do antioxidants promote cancer?

本文作者:小红猪小分队 Source:Nobel-winner Watson: Do antioxidants promote cancer? Antioxidant foods and pills could heighten the risk of cancer and diabetes, argues the co-discoverer of the structure of DNA 【Health-conscio


本文作者:小红猪小分队 每个人都有自己的DNA知情权。 比尔·盖茨对《连线》杂志说,如果他还是个少年,他就会做生物黑客了。“如果你想用伟大的方式

小红猪小分队:小红猪抢稿第81期:The curious lives of the people who feel no fear

本文作者:小红猪小分队 在你的身边一定有个天不怕地不怕的人——看鬼片不动声色、进鬼屋淡定自若、甚至与蛇共舞也不在话下——或许那个人就是你自己!

小红猪小分队:The curious lives of the people who feel no fear

本文作者:小红猪小分队 Source: Some people really are not scared of anything. Understanding why reveals the way the rest of us process terror Read more: “Extraordinary minds: Peculiar brain powers“ FOR the first six years that he knew her, Justin Feinstein could find nothing to scare the woman known as “SM”. It wasn’t for lack of


本文作者:小红猪小分队 每个人都有自己的DNA知情权。 比尔·盖茨对《连线》杂志说,如果他还是个少年,他就会做生物黑客了。“如果你想用伟大的方式


本文作者:小红猪小分队 【图片出处:www.croatiaweek.com】 什么是姆潘巴效应? 姆潘巴效应,描述的是一个再简单不过却又和直觉相悖

小红猪小分队:小红猪抢稿第80期:Monster munch: How did black holes get vast so fast?

本文作者:小红猪小分队 用吞食天地来形容一枚黑洞的降生一点都不为过,黑洞中的一些大个子,其质量能达到太阳的数十亿倍,但是,更让人震惊的是黑洞降

小红猪小分队:Monster munch: How did black holes get vast so fast?

本文作者:小红猪小分队 Source: Even in the furthest recesses of cosmic time we see supermassive black holes gorging on gas. But they shouldn’t be there THEY are the great dark spots of the universe. Not merely black holes, but enormous black holes, billions of times the mass of


本文作者:小红猪小分队 译者:Lewind 校对:lannyj 作者:海伦·皮尔彻 原文:Genes from nowhere: Orphans with a surprising story 【图片出处:www.genetic


本文作者:小红猪小分队 每个人都有自己的DNA知情权。 比尔·盖茨对《连线》杂志说,如果他还是个少年,他就会做生物黑客了。“如果你想用伟大的方式

小红猪小分队:小红猪抢稿第79期:Clone alone: Who needs sex?

本文作者:小红猪小分队 无性繁殖在自然界并不是什么稀奇事儿,光靠妈妈单方面的力量就能将宝宝带到这个世界上来。而今随着克隆技术的发展,无性繁殖的

小红猪小分队:Clone alone: Who needs sex?

本文作者:小红猪小分队 Source: We’re discovering many females can make babies without any male help. So why do animals bother with the messy business of sex at all? See more in our image gallery: “Who needs sex? Six animals that cloned alone“ 【Video: Zebra shark egg


本文作者:小红猪小分队 每个人都有自己的DNA知情权。 比尔·盖茨对《连线》杂志说,如果他还是个少年,他就会做生物黑客了。“如果你想用伟大的方式


本文作者:小红猪小分队 本文为小红猪抢搞第74期译文 译者:黄昏鸟 校对:红色皇后 小红花:4朵 咖啡迷们注意了!不论你是一天不喝三杯双倍特浓咖啡就不