
Bilingual Press Release on UN Human Rights Committee formal hearing on the implementation of ICCPR in Hong Kong (English below)



出席聯合國人權事務委員會的港府官員表明,香港未落實普選前,不會撤回就國際人權公約中有關普選的豁免。委員會主席胡德禮(Sir Nigel Rodney)爵士指出,香港已落實選舉,但仍繼續豁免推行平等而普及選舉的公約要求,情況並不理想;而由於中國仍未批准落實國際人權公約,國際社會自然會緊張港人能否繼續享有高度自由。











To: All Media
From: 10 NGOs attending Human Rights Committee Hearing
Joint Press Release
Date: 14th March 2013

Chairperson of the United Nations Human Rights Committee (“the Committee”), Sir Nigel Rodley, warned that it was undesirable for the in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“HKSAR”) to maintain its reservation to Art 25(b) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (“ICCPR” / “the Covenant”) which requires equal and universal suffrage for all elections regardless of the validity of the reservation since the change of sovereignty.

Sir Nigel Rodley’s comment came in response to the HKSAR government’s refusal to withdraw the reservation. On the second day of the hearing before the Human Rights Committee on the HKSAR’s Third Report on the ICCPR, Frank Poon Ying-Kwong, Solicitor General of the Department of Justice responded that from the “perspective [of the HKSAR Government], the reservation allows us to bring forward constitutional development for universal suffrage in a gradual and orderly manner that is consistent with the Basic Law. It is premature to withdraw the reservation before this goal is achieved. If this is done, there could be and certainly would be domestic challenges brought before the HKSAR courts to challenge the existing system.” He added, “We cannot be diverted and distracted from the challenge to implement democracy by unnecessary lawsuits.”

Rodley hinted at the Committee’s desire to see the Peoples Republic of China ratify the ICCPR given that it has already been a signatory to the instrument for 15 years. He said that whilst Hong Kong enjoys high degree of freedoms, these “cannot be taken for granted and have to be defended. It is not unusual for small populations very close to large populations, especially where large populations may not have the same international commitments to international human rights and the rule of law for there to be nervousness internationally about what the future may hold.”

He also commented on the procedures for obtaining a notice of no objection from the police under the Public Order Ordinance and the permit requirements under the Public Entertainment Ordinance for public protests or demonstrations involving other means of expression. He stated that it is “no surprise that when public order measures are taken to apply literally language relating to securing the approval of public protests even when there is no real threat to public order or [when] invoking legislation on public entertainment [for events] not even for profit, …that can be troubling to people in Hong Kong and certainly outside. It does not mean that there is not high degree of freedom but it does mean that people cannot feel confident in maintaining that degree of freedom.”

Committee Member, Madame Waterval raised a range of issues relating to freedom of expression, including concerns over the use of video recording devices by police and the need to balance security interests with protesters right to privacy, the Chief Executive’s open letter to the Hong Kong Economic Journal demanding an apology for an article published about him, the lack of independence of Radio Television Hong Kong as well as the continued delay over the issuance of free-to-air television licenses.

Mr. Neuman expressed unease about reports of discrimination against the Falun Gong in their exercise of the freedoms of expression and assembly. According to him, the two decisions of the Court of Final Appeal in 2005 and 2009 provide evidence for allegations concerning discriminatory treatment by police and the immigration department against this group.

Rodley shared the Committee’s continued anxiety over the interpretive powers of the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress (“SCNPC”) given that not only was the interpretation binding on a community that was subject to the Covenant but also that it was issued not by a court but the very body that had enacted the Basic Law. He expressed that this had grave implications for the rule of law and the separation of powers. The Committee sought clarification on the extent and scope of the SCNPC’s power to interpret Chapter III of the Hong Kong Basic Law (“HKBL”) on fundamental rights and freedoms and also, Article 39 of the HKBL, which entrenches the ICCPR itself.

Poon reassured the Committee that although the SCNPC‘s power of interpretation is unqualified, it is subject to the important limitation that it cannot be wider than what would fall within the remit of Art 159 of the HKBL which deals with amendments of the HKBL. He emphasized that the SCNPC ‘s power of interpretation cannot go beyond the principles set out in HKBL and the Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984 which included the protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Hong Kong people as one of the basic policies of China towards HK.

The Committee expressed grave concern over the vagueness of the terms used to capture the crimes of sedition and treason. It expressed that this was worrying in light of the sensitive nature of this issue in Hong Kong especially since HKSAR has an obligation to introduce related legislation under Art 23. This is particularly so given the potential for the prejudicial application of these provisions under the guise of “national security” and “state secrets.” The HKSAR government was unyielding however, and simply put the matter to rest by stating that they will cross that bridge when they get to it in due course.

[1] 重溫聯合國人權事務委員會正式審議香港實施公約會議情況,可按此

[2] 聯合國人權事務委員會會議議程、委員會關注議題清單、香港政府報告、民間團體意見書以至日後委員會審議結論,均可此網頁瀏覽。




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