人權監察讉責恐嚇傳媒行為 促警嚴正調查保障言論自由
報載無線新聞主播吳璟儁昨日接獲寫著『送給吳景儁作禮物』的軍刀郵包,或涉恐嚇,報警求助。[1] 香港人權監察讉責有關針對傳媒或傳媒工作者的恐嚇、暴力、甚至只是惡作劇的行為,此等行徑會嚴重破壞言論及新聞自由,令媒體不能在免於暴力威脅下揭露時弊,監察政府及社會運作。
而日前獨立媒體襲擊案,雖然四名被告已受法律制裁,但獨立媒體指被告受人委託犯案,仍有幕後黑手逍遙法外。 [2]
近來香港記者採訪時屢遭襲擊,如今年2月南華早報女攝影記者拍攝水貨客時,表明記者身份後遭掌摑,[3] 去年除夕愛護香港力量支持政府遊行時,有參加者攻擊採訪記者, [4] 此令人擔憂前線新聞工作者工作環境惡化,加上政府透過紀律部隊資訊數碼化、纏擾法立法及限制公司董事查冊等逐步收緊傳媒資訊自由,又無資訊自由法及檔案法,新聞自由堪虞。
過往聯合國人權事務委員會(2006)表達關注香港傳媒遭恐嚇及騷擾的個案,並促請香港政府採取積極措施,防止傳媒工作者被騷擾,並檢控有關違法者。 [5] 而聯合國人權事務委員會第34號一般性意見(2011),訂明「締約國應採取有效措施,保護行使言論自由的人,免受針對打壓其言論的攻擊。[…]新聞工作者經常因其採訪活動遭受威脅、恐嚇和攻擊。政府應即時並積極調查,緝拿真兇」。 [6]
[1] 明報〈無綫吳璟儁收軍刀恐嚇 郵包藏字條:刀給你 一個禮〉。蘋果日報〈TVB主播吳璟儁被恐嚇 收一呎長軍刀〉2013.3.27
[2] 香港獨立媒體〈獨立媒體(香港)就去年刑毀案今早判決的回應〉2013.3.25
[3] 蘋果日報〈上水港鐵站影水貨客 南華早報記者受襲〉2013.
[4] 明報〈挺梁遊行惹火 記者捱揍 沿途四爆衝突 愛港力劃清界線〉2012.12.31
[5] 2006年聯合國人權事務委員會就香港實施《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》審議結論第13段指「委員會關注到,多宗有關新聞從業員和傳媒工作者遭恐嚇和騷擾的個案,都牽涉政見爭拗 (第十九條)。香港特區應採取積極措施,防止傳媒工作者被騷擾,並檢控有關的違法者,以及確保傳媒可獨立運作,免受政府干預。」
[6] UN Human Rights Committee General Comment no.34 on Article 19 of ICCPR “23. States parties should put in place effective measures to protect against attacks aimed at silencing those exercising their right to freedom of expression. Paragraph 3 may never be invoked as a justification for the muzzling of any advocacy of multi-party democracy, democratic tenets and human rights. Nor, under any circumstance, can an attack on a person, because of the exercise of his or her freedom of opinion or expression, including such forms of attack as arbitrary arrest, torture, threats to life and killing, be compatible with article 19. Journalists are frequently subjected to such threats, intimidation and attacks because of their activities. So too are persons who engage in the gathering and analysis of information on the human rights situation and who publish human rights-related reports, including judges and lawyers. All such attacks should be vigorously investigated in a timely fashion, and the perpetrators prosecuted, and the victims, or, in the case of killings, their representatives, be in receipt of appropriate forms of redress.”